Partnership Opportunities

aShareX partners with Auction Houses and Financial Services organizations to provide fractional investors with unparalleled alternative investment opportunities

aShareX & Auction Houses

•  Leverage the only fractional auction platform that enables fractional bidding
•  Include fractional bidders as a new buyer group in any high-value auction
• Combine client bases for more bidders in your auctions
•  Deliver greater sell-through certainty for asset consignors

To learn more, read the articles below and contact:
Kevin Hughes, Chief Information Officer

aShareX & Financial Services

aShareX offers significant benefits to sponsors of high-value asset offerings (e.g., real estate, royalties, equities, bonds, and more): 
•  Market-based price discovery from the only auction platform that empowers fractional bidders to participate alongside 100% bidders 
•  Regulatorily-compliant trading system includes KYC, AML, investor credit scoring, and integrated broker-dealers, cash custodian and escrow
• SEC-qualified securities offering evidences fractional ownership 

To learn more, read the articles below and contact:           
Eric Arinsburg, Chief Financial Officer